Bachelor of Science in Psychology

BS Psychology is a four-year trimestral undergraduate degree program that focuses on the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. In general, the program emphasizes the study of the individual person and how the person’s mental processes and behavior are affected by internal, relational, and social factors. Psychology as a discipline and professional practice contributes to national development through basic and applied research and interventions aimed at solving problems and promoting optimal development and functioning at the individual, family, group, organizations/institutions, community, and national levels.

NU Laguna’s Psychology program provides initial training for those interested in the practice of psychology (clinical, industrial, and educational Psychology), teaching, and research. Its unique feature is the inclusion of the study of Sport Psychology, which uses psychological knowledge and skills to address optimal athletic performance and the developmental and social aspects of sports participation, including systemic issues associated with sports settings and organizations. NU Laguna’s Psychology program also qualifies its graduates to take assessments leading to a certification as a Psychometrician given by the Professional Regulatory Commission. Furthermore, the program provides preparation for graduate studies in psychology as well as further studies in other professions such as medicine, law, and business management.
One unique feature of NU Laguna’s BS Psychology program is the inclusion of sports to achieve a healthy school-life balance. Elective sports-related courses, such as Sports Psychology, are infused into the program, which further train you on how psychology is associated with sports settings and organizations.
Further, all students are given the opportunity to train in football, volleyball, basketball, swimming, including the opportunity to use INSPIRE Sports Academy’s high-performance gym.
BS Psychology graduates may find themselves in the following job roles:

  • Licensed psychometricians or work in the academe, in Human Resource Departments, and research units.
  • Careers in medicine, law, management, etc.
  • With further specialized training, graduates of this program may pursue specializations in Psychology such as clinical, counseling, developmental, educational, social, industrial/organizational, and sport psychology.