Doctor of Business Administration
Proposed Program Outcome
A Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program is a 36 units terminal business degree focusing on advanced research, leadership, and strategic management. It is designed for experienced professionals seeking to deepen their business knowledge, enhance their leadership skills, and contribute to business theory and practice through original research.
A Doctor of Business Administration program is a rigorous and intellectually demanding experience that prepares senior-level professionals for leadership roles in business and academia. It combines academic rigor with practical relevance, creating a unique learning environment for experienced professionals seeking to impact the business world significantly.
Student Outcomes
Graduates of the Doctor in Business Administration should be able to:
- Demonstrate highly advanced systematic knowledge and skills in highly specialized and/or complex interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary fields of learning for professional practice.
- Apply professional leadership for innovation, research, and development management in highly specialized or multi-disciplinary fields.
- Exercise complete independence in individual work or in teams of multi-disciplinary and more complex setting that demands leadership for research and creativity for strategic value-added.
*Adapted from the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) Level 8 covering doctorate programs.
Admission Requirements
Basic Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for admission the applicant must have:
- Applicant must have earned Masters in Business Administration (MBA) or allied fields.
- If the applicant is not a graduate of MBA Program of National University, the applicant must pass the entrance exam.
- If the applicant is not an MBA graduate, the applicant must enroll and finish the Pre-DBA courses equivalent to 9 units.
- Complied with the eligibility requirements of their specific graduate program
- Passed the interview and evaluation of the Graduate Studies Director
Doctor in Business Administration Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must have relevant professional experience in the field of Business or allied fields that demonstrate a substantial actual professional work experience within the last (2) years, or with supervisory/managerial experience for at least (1) year.
Program completion requirements:
- Pass the comprehensive exam after completing at least 30 units of theoretical and specialization courses.
- Propose, undertake, publish, and successfully defend a dissertation in their area of Dissertation requirements are as follows:
- Proposal – Submission and successful defense of a dissertation
- Publication – acceptance of at least one (1) paper at a reputable international refereed scientific journal
- Presentation – acceptance and presentation of at least one (1) full paper in a national/international refereed conference.
- Final dissertation report – successful defense and submission of the final dissertation report.