NU College of Engineering goes international; sets up ties with three Thai universities

Aiming to bring the quality of program offerings to the next level, the National University-College of Engineering took a huge leap after setting up ties with three universities in Thailand.

National U is currently gearing towards internationalization and this benchmarking activity and partnership with Thai universities aims to take the university to its goal.

The National U delegation led by CoE Dean Alexa Ray Fernando, together with CE and SE program chair Engr. Allan Alzona, EE and CE program chair Engr. Jonrey Ranada, Electrical Engineering Program Chair Engr. Rogelio Aniez Jr., Ria Liza Canlas the school’s Asst. Director for Research and Innovation Office and QMO Director Arlene Trillanes, flew to Thailand last June 1-7 to seal the deal with Sripatum University, King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi and Bangkok University.

Among the mutual benefits the university and its partners agreed with are research collaboration, student and faculty exchange programs, internship programs for the students and conducting of industrial visit in university industry partners. “We actually chose the top engineering universities in Thailand. The primary objective is to be recognized internationally in teaching and research. By benchmarking, we learn how to be at par or even become better than the universities in our neighboring countries as we adopt or enhance on their best practices in the delivery of quality higher education.” Fernando shared.

Fernando also said that the college aims to visit and set up partnership with other universities within and beyond ASEAN region.

National U already signed a memorandum of agreement with Sripatum University and is looking to send two faculty members for the faculty exchange program which is targeted to happen in January 2018.