National U gets 100% passing rate; tops January 2017 Sanitary Engineering board exam

National University once again dominated the Sanitary Engineering licensure examination after garnering a 100% passing rate in the January 2017 SE board exam.

NU’s Jason Vergara Moral clinched the top spot with 82.57% rating while another NU alumna Precious Jesica Gatchalian Tuazon ranked third with 80.20% rating.

This is the third straight SE licensure exam where National U registered a 100% passing rate.

According to College of Engineering Dean Alexa Ray Fernando, they are beyond happy to share the good news because NU is one of only two top performing schools this January 2017 board exam.

“The ultimate measure of the outcome of the students in terms of their chosen field of study is whether they pass or fail the board exam. So with that kind of performance of our students, our alumni in the board exam, you actually feel fulfilled, it’s because you realize that your curriculum is actually a good one or the best one kasi they are topping the board eh. We could say that the sanitary program of NU is the best among the sanitary programs in the Philippines.”

Dean Fernando also credited the sanitary engineering program of the university which happens to be one of the oldest and first SE programs in the country.

“If I’m not mistaken, program wise, only NU has this kind of bridging program, where we only admit graduates of civil engineering and they only take one year to take the sanitary engineering professional courses. I think that’s the uniqueness of our program; it’s only one year, it’s very focused in sanitary engineering and since they have already graduated from their civil engineering program it’s actually a plus point kasi they have already experienced taking the board, so it is easier for them to take this licensure exam.”

Below is the complete list of the new Sanitary Engineers who graduated from National University:

Jason Vergara Moral

Precious Jesica Gatchalian Tuazon

Jordan Paul Gumba

John Carlo Tolibas

A total of 62 out of 95 takers passed the January 2017 licensure examination.