MOA signing of NU and the Division of City Schools – Manila

City of Manila-Division Schools Superintendent Priscilla De Sagun leads the official signing of the memorandum of agreement between City of Manila and the National University, College of Education, Arts & Sciences (CEAS) held at Division Office , Arroceros , Manila on June 10, 2015. Under the agreement, NU President Teodoro Ocampo emphasized the university’s concern about pre-service education of teachers as a key to achieving sustainable quality basic education and its commitment to improve the quality of basic education in the Division of Manila. The MOA signing was made a memorable event by the presence and support of NU Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Rachel Edita Roxas; Dean of CEAS, Dr. Joel Durban; CEAS program directors for Psychology, Arnel Diego; Sports and Wellness Management, Rizaldy Hofilena; English and Secondary Education Practicum Supervisor, Karen Gabinete; Elementary Education Practicum Supervisor, Claude Tandoc and Joyce Orillosa.