International Conference: AsiaLex 2015

AsiaLexIn line with the natural language processing strategic area, the National University Computing Research Center – under its coordinator Mr. Nathaniel Oco – conducted a series of writing and research workshops. Outputs were submitted to conferences and two were accepted in AsiaLex 2015, an international conference held on June 25 to 27, 2015 in Hong Kong. The papers are: (1) “Lavender Filipino: Computational Models of Twitter Swardspeak”, co-authored with BSIT students Raymart Fajutagana, Christine Mae Lim, Judi Diane Miñon, Julie-Ann Morano, Ryan Christian Tinoco; and (2) “The Old and New Tagalog Orthography: A Computational Comparison” co-authored with BSCS alumnus Manolito Octaviano Jr. With the support of the College of Computer Studies and the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, four students were able to attend the conference for the presentation of the two papers.