
NURD promotes research community progress

The National University Research and Development (NURD) Office spearheaded the NURD Multistakeholder Workshop with the goal of facilitating an exchange of ideas, nurturing growth and promoting innovation within the university research community at the Century Park Hotel last August 4, 2023. NURD recognizes the importance of stakeholders’ interactions in providing people-centric policies and programs as well as employee-friendly processes. This kind of consultation meeting aims to emphasize the direction and accelerate the attainment of intended outcomes in terms of research […]

By smtabunda@national-u.edu.ph | News . NU Manila . Research

NU CEAS receives international research recognition

National U’s Dr. John Irish G. Lira and Dr. Esperanza D. Pascua of the College of Education, Arts, and Sciences were invited to present their research paper entitled “Level of Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge of Professors in National University, Manila: Basis for a Proposed Computer Literacy Program” at the 11th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET 2023) and 9th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering (ICKE 2023) in Fujisawa, Japan last March 18 – 20, 2023. This conference […]

By jmapresingular@national-u.edu.ph | Manila . News . NU Manila . Research