National University Research and Innovation Office Launches the Center for Resilient Philippines

During the Foundation Day celebrations last August 01, the National University Research and Innovation Office launched the Center for Resilient Philippines.

The Center for Resilient Philippines (CRP) is a multi-disciplinary institution committed to improving the country’s ability to plan for and recover from, natural and man-made disasters and disruptive events without compromising long-term prospects for development. The CRP offers an integrated, whole-of-nation, ICT enabled resilience effort that is based on a better understanding of the risk environment and disaster impacts, partnerships and shared responsibility, and adaptive and empowered communities.

With the advent of natural disasters and calamities in the country recently, there is an imperative for academic institutions to take part in the development of resilient communities in the Philippines. CRP is National University’s contribution to its vision of nation building. It is in support of the government’s National Resilience Council, National Disaster Risk Reduction Management, to name a few.

CRP strengthens the core value of National University of resilience in character during difficult times.

CRP supports National University’s Academic, Research and Community Engagement (ARC) framework where academic, research and community engagement endeavors are integrated into one framework.  This is where the university’s constituents engage in research and CE activities in their academic undertakings.

CRP is the  university’s  contribution from an academic institution to UNISDR’s movements in building sustainable communities in support of the initiatives of SM.

As one of the leading academic institution in the field of Information and Communication Technology, National University sees its contribution in the development of digital-based solutions that are useful and meaningful for the community as one of its key areas.   The CRP undertakes four program areas which are networking, research, training and consultancy.  National University Vice President for Academics and Research and Innovation Office Director Dr. Rachel Edita Roxas invites the NU community to participate in these program areas.