
NU Nazareth School Scholarships/Discounts

SM/SM Group of Companies Discount

This scholarship/discount can be availed by a sibling of a single employee or children of a married employee of SM and its Affiliates.


  • Duly Accomplished Online Scholarship Application Form
  • Certificate of Employment from the HR Department of SM
  • Photocopy of Company ID
  • If dependents are CHILDREN of employee: PSA Birth Certificate of dependent
  • If dependents are SIBLINGS of employee: PSA Birth Certificate of dependent and employee

Alumni Discount

This scholarship/discount can be availed by the children, sibling and limited number of grandchildren of NU and Nazareth Alumni.


  • Birth Certificate of applicant
  • Birth Certificate of alumni (parent or sibling)
  • Certification (Diploma/TOR) or Alumni ID (if available) of the NU/NUNS Alumni

Siblings Discount

This scholarship/discount can be availed by a student whose siblings enrolled in National University.


  • Birth Certificate of Applicant
  • Birth Certificate of Sibling/s
  • Certification of Registration (proof of enrollment) both applicant and sibling/s


Students whose siblings enrolled in the University are entitled to the following:

Sibling Discount
1 No discount
2 15% discount on the lowest tuition fee among the siblings
3 30% discount on the lowest tuition fee among the siblings
4 50% discount on the lowest tuition fee among the siblings

We are accepting ESC (Educational Service Contracting) and QVR Certificate

Requirements for ESC (Incoming Grade 7)

  • 2×2 ID Photo (2 pieces)
  • ESC Application Form
  • Latest Income Tax return
    • Certificate of Tax Exemption
    • Certification of Unemployment of Parents or Legal Guardian

Requirements for SHS Voucher (Incoming Grade 11)

  • ESC Certificate (If Grade 10 ESC Grantee from Private School)
  • Qualified Voucher Application Certificate (If Grade 10 Non-ESC Grantee from Private School)
    • Non-grantees should apply for SHS Voucher

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