
Kinder – Grade 3 Program

The NU-Nazareth School Kinder-Grade 3 program provides initial educational experiences that foster balance between their cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual development through a self-contained teaching setup. The K-3 program’s focus on literacy and holistic learning serve as the foundation for literature-based teaching and curriculum integration. Furthermore, the program focuses on the cultivation of a Nazalian with desirable attitudes and behavior geared towards personal growth in freedom, discipline, and responsibility and the formation of personal awareness of God’s love and goodness through Catholic and Mother Candida’s teaching.

Grades 4 to 6 Program

The NU-Nazareth School Grades 4 to 6 program provides a holistic education for the overall development of the child. The program aims to develop a student who thinks critically, upholds a strong value-laden personality that advocates peace, understands the importance of meaningful connections with other people, shows confidence in expressing one’s ideas and creativity, and models kindness through St. Candida’s ways and teachings.
The program also allows for students to showcase their skills and talents through the different activities and after-school programs that cultivate and let them express themselves as individuals. Lastly, the program provides support for the student’s mental and emotional health and wellness.

Requirements for Nursery and Kindergarten

  • Nursery: Must be 4 years old by start of the School Year
  • Kinder: Must be 5 years old by start of the School Year
  • Birth Certificate (Photocopy, original PSA copy needed for validation)
  • Baptismal Certificate (Photocopy, original copy needed for validation)

Requirements for Grades 1 to 6

  • Grade 1: Must be 6 years old by start of the School Year
  • Form 138 ( Report Card)
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character
  • Birth Certificate (Photocopy, original PSA copy needed for validation)
  • Baptismal Certificate (Photocopy, original copy needed for validation)

Additional Requirement for transferees:

  • DepEd Form 137


Junior High School Program

The Junior High School program provides a holistic education that balances the learners’ cognitive, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual development in a Christian and rewarding work environment. The program offers an array of learning experiences that develops scientifically and technologically-minded, value-laden and communitarian learners who will apply communication skills in expressing one’s stand on various social and contemporary issues and will show respect for the ideas and opinions of others. The program further allows learners to demonstrate their skills innovatively through various activities that would enable them to appreciate the value themselves.

Requirements for Grades 7 to 10

  • Form 138 ( Report Card)
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character
  • Certificate of Completion (Grade 6)
  • Birth Certificate (Photocopy, original PSA copy needed for validation)
  • Baptismal Certificate (Photocopy, original copy needed for validation)

Additional Requirement for transferees:

  • DepEd Form 137


Senior High School Program

The Senior High School program provides students with a holistic education and industry experience learning. Housed in the Henry Sy Sr. Hall, the newest building on the campus, SHS students have access to modern classrooms, laboratories, library, cafeteria, chapel, and gymnasium. The SHS academic program includes core subjects aligned with the Department of Education’s curriculum guidelines and applied subjects common to all strands but have specific objectives related to each strand. Every strand has specialized subjects that prepare students for the course they want to pursue in college.


  • Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)
  • General Academic Strand (GAS)
  • The Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)

Requirements for Grades 11 to 12

  • Form 138 ( Report Card)
  • Certificate of Good Moral Character
  • Certificate of Completion (Grade 10)
  • Birth Certificate (Photocopy, original PSA copy needed for validation)
  • Baptismal Certificate (Photocopy, original copy needed for validation)
  • Drug Test Results

Additional Requirement for transferees:

  • DepEd Form 137

Application for SY 2022-2023 is ongoing

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