NU-Manila: Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management


Courses and Descriptions

Courses and Descriptions

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management is a (4) four-year degree program that provides students a concrete view in the field of tourism. This program leads to expertise in management of tour-operating agencies, as well as other jobs in the travel, events and hotel sector. It aims to address the need for professionals who can help in promoting the tourism and hospitality industries in the Philippines. The curriculum is designed to develop skills in critical thinking, creative problem solving, research, intellectual curiosity, and operational competencies. The combination of theories learned inside the classroom, industry immersion and on-the-job training will prepare the students to be globally competitive in tourism management operations.

Courses offered:

  • Risk management
  • Macro & Micro in Tourism and Hospitality
  • Philippine & Global Culture and Geography
  • Multicultural Diversity
  • Quality Service
  • Professional Development
  • Legal Aspect
  • Sustainable Tourism
  • Tour & Travel Management
  • Operation Management
  • Tourism & Hospitality Marketing
  • Transportation Management
  • MICE
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Foreign Language 1&2
  • Business Tools in Tourism
  • TPaD
  • Strategic Management
  • Research
  • Practicum


All classrooms and offices are fully air-conditioned. The lecture room and laboratories complied with CHED standards and can comfortably accommodate approximately 200 to 400 hundred students at any time. Fire

exits comply with government regulation. Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors are provided in prescribe areas to ensure quick and safe fire control.

  • 3 Kitchen laboratories
  • 1 Front Office, and Travel counter
  • 3 hotel rooms
  • 1 consultation room
  • Faculty Room
  • Function room
  • Laundry area