NU-Manila: Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology


Courses and DescriptionsLength and Nature of the ProgramGraduates Expected Career Paths

Courses and Descriptions

Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

A detailed study of matter, energy, physical and chemical changes, basic concepts, formula equation, stoichiometry, modern theories, periodic table, atomic and molecular structure, theories of solutions and methods of preparation and chemistry of selected elements and compounds. Also incorporated in the course the study of carbon compound in an integrated manner, nomenclature, preparations, uses or occurrence and properties, with emphasis on the modern concepts of valency and bonding, potential reaction mechanism of organic compounds.

Analytical Chemistry (Qualitative and Quantitative Chemistry)

This is a course design to study the principles and applications of qualitative and quantitative chemistry which includes volumetric, gravimetric and instrumental methods of analyses.

Anatomy and Physiology with Pathophysiology

This course is designed to provide knowledge on the essential principles and overview of human anatomy and physiology, including basic cell and tissue studies, gross anatomy of human body and pathologic conditions commonly encountered. Practical correlation and use of cadaver or model are performed during laboratory session.

Biochemistry for Medical Laboratory Science

The course is designed for BS Medical Technology / Medical Laboratory Science students that covers the structure, properties and metabolism of biomolecules in correlation with cellular and physiological mechanisms.

Community and Public Health for Medical Laboratory Science

This course deals with the study of the foundations of community health that includes human ecology, demography and epidemiology. It emphasizes the promotion of community, public and environmental health

Principles and Strategies of Teaching in Medical Laboratory Science

This course deals with the principles of learning and teaching/learning in health education including adult learning, the roles of a teacher/medical technologist in different settings. It also includes strategies that enhance critical thinking, clinical laboratory teaching, assessing and evaluating learning


Analysis of Urine and Other Body Fluids

The course deals with the study of the gross, chemical and microscopic analyses of the different body fluids other than blood. It includes the importance of these body fluids to body processes; the principles of the analytical procedures; interpretation of results and clinical significance of the physiologically important substances found in these body fluids. Quality Assurance and Laboratory Safety are also given emphasis.

Clinical Bacteriology

The course covers the morphology and physiology of bacteria, rickettsiae and other significant atypical bacteria and their role in infection and immunity. Emphasis is made on their isolation and identification and susceptibility testing as an aid in laboratory diagnosis. Quality assurance and safety are given due emphasis.

Clinical Chemistry 1

The course deals with the quantitative measurement of biochemical substances found in body fluids essentially blood. This involves the knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and principles of their metabolism, laboratory analyses, and pathophysiology. Quality assurance and safety are given due emphasis.

Clinical Chemistry 2

The course is a continuation of Clinical Chemistry 1 and deals with the quantitative measurement of biochemical substances found in body fluids essentially blood. This involves the knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and principles of their metabolism, laboratory analyses, and pathophysiology. The course also includes Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing. Endocrinology deals with the study of the products of a group of structurally and functionally specialized glands and their action in maintaining the chemical integrity of cell environment. Toxicology involves the study of substances introduced exogenously into the body. It also includes a focus into the establishment of drug testing centers including the legal and technical mandates required in the local setting. Quality assurance and safety are given due emphasis.


A course, which deals with the study of heredity and inheritance, genetic phenomena, sex determinations, defects in relation to human inheritance. Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) and their application to medical science are given emphasis.

General Pathology with Histopathologic and Cytologic Techniques

The course is divided into three. The first part deals with the study of the basic disease process, correlating the etiology of disease with the course of development of anatomic and clinical changes brought about by the disease. The second part is the study of the histologic techniques essential in the production of histologic slides for the diagnosis of diseases including special staining procedures and other related techniques. The third part is the study and identification of cells in the diagnosis of diseases using cytologic techniques.

Hematology 1

This course deals with the study of blood as a tissue and pathophysiology of the cellular elements of the blood. Emphasis is on laboratory diagnostic procedures.

Hematology 2

This course deals with the study of fundamentals blood as a tissue, the pathophysiology and the mechanism of coagulation and hemostasis, with emphasis on laboratory diagnostic procedure.

Human Histology

This course deals with the study of fundamentals of cells, tissues and organs with emphasis on microscopic structure, characteristics and functions.

Immunohematology (Blood Banking)

This course deals with the study of immunologic principles applied in blood group specific antigens and antibodies and its application in transfusion medicine. It also deals with mechanisms of blood typing and crossmatching, antihuman globulin testing, detection and identification of antibodies, screening of donors for blood donation, bleeding techniques, preparation of blood components and blood products, their storage and disposal with emphasis on quality systems.

Immunology and Serology

Immunology deals with the study of the immune system and its components, characteristics, immune responses and its functions while Serology deals with the diagnostic identification of antibodies in the serum. Immunopathology and autoimmune diseases are also dealt with in the course.

Laboratory Management

This course deals with the study of basic concepts of management, planning, organizing, leading, staffing, controlling as applied to a clinical laboratory set-up like assurance/quality control; policy and procedure manuals, infection controls, etc.

Medical Technology Laws and Bioethics

This course deals with various laws related to the Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Science profession in the Philippines with emphasis on the Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969 (RA 5527) and its amendments. It also includes the study of Code of Ethics of Medical Technologists and bioethics. Bioethics focuses on the basic ethical principles, major bioethical principles and its application to health and human life

Mycology and Virology

A course, which deals with the study of morphologic and biologic characteristics of fungal and viral agents and diseases. It also includes the study of laboratory diagnostic methods, epidemiology, pathology, prevention and control of diseases caused by viruses and fungi.

Clinical Parasitology

This course deals with the study of human parasites which are of medical importance especially those commonly found in the Philippines. Emphasis is given on the epidemiology, pathogenecity, distribution, life cycle, and laboratory identification of each parasite. Preventive measures against infection and control are also given emphasis.

Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science Research

The course deals with the study of the general concepts of a research process. It also includes the study of the rudiments in the preparation of a research including problem identification, literature search, limitations and scope of the study, sampling, statistical analysis, budget preparation and Gantt chart preparation.

Medical Laboratory Science Research Paper Writing and Presentation

This course deals with the completion of the research process started in Introduction to MLS Research. Emphasis is on the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data and summary of findings and recommendations.


Length and Nature of the Program

Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology / Medical Laboratory Science (BSMT / BSMLS) is a four-year program consisting of general education and professional courses. It will equip students with knowledge, skills and competency in laboratory tests used in the detection, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. The fourth-year level is the internship program of one (1) year in a CHED-accredited training laboratory with rotational duties in different sections such as Clinical Chemistry, Hematology, Microbiology, Immunohematology, Immunology and Serology, Urinalysis and other Body Fluids, Parasitology, Histopathologic/Cytologic Techniques and other emergent technologies.

Graduates Expected Career Paths

Graduates of this course may be any of the following

1. Specific Professions / Careers / Occupations for Graduates

  1. Licensed Medical Technologists / Medical Laboratory Scientists
  2. Diagnostic Molecular Scientists
  3. Research Scientists
  4. Educators
  5. Diagnostic Product Specialists
  6. Public Health Practitioners
  7. Health Care Leaders

2. Allied Medical Fields – An MT/MLS graduate may practice in the following fields

  1. Epidemiologists
  2. Veterinary Laboratory Scientists
  3. Nuclear Medicine Scientists
  4. Forensic Scientists
  5. Health Administrators / Managers
  6. Food and Industrial Microbiologists