Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

Program DescriptionCurriculumProgram Completion RequirementsAdmission RequirementsResearchAdmission RequirementsContact Details


The Ph.D. in Computer Science (Ph.D. C.S.) is a research-oriented program designed to produce computer scientists who can independently formulate computing problems and develop novel and innovative computing solutions to help address those problems. The program is completed primarily through a supervised research that contributes to new knowledge, theory, or technology. The Ph.D. C.S. program of the department is composed of twenty-four (24) units of coursework comprising of nine (9) units of theoretical courses and fifteen (15) specialization courses. A dissertation of twelve (12) units is the terminal activity of the students, which must be 1.) presented to a refereed computing research conference (national or international) and 2.) published in a reputable and referred international computing journal.


Theoretical Courses (9 units)

Course Code Course Description
CSPHDTC1 Advanced Machine Learning
CSPHDTC2 Computer Simulations
CSPHDTC3 Data Mining

C.S. Specialization Courses (15 units)

Six (6) units may be taken from the other specialization upon the recommendation of the dissertation adviser.

Intelligent Systems

Course Code Course Description
CSPHDIS1 Special Topics in Computer Science: Pattern Recognition and Machine Vision
CSPHDIS2 Special Topics in Computer Science: Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
CSPHDIS3 Special Topics in Computer Science: Educational Data Mining
CSPHDIS4 Special Topics in Computer Science: User Modeling
CSPHDIS5 Special Topics in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence in Education

Signal Processing and Natural Language Processing

Course Code Course Description
CSPHDSN1 Special Topics in Computer Science: Advanced Natural Language Processing
CSPHDSN1 Special Topics in Computer Science: Advanced Signal Processing
CSPHDSN1 Special Topics in Computer Science: Advanced Neural Networks and Deep Learning
CSPHDSN1 Special Topics in Computer Science: Pattern Recognition and Machine Vision
CSPHDSN1 Special Topics for computer Science: Conversational A.I. Models

Written Comprehensive Examination (0 unit)

Course Code Course Description
CSPHDCOM Written Comprehensive Examination

Dissertation (12 units)

Course Code Course Description
CSPHDDIS1 Dissertation Writing 1 (Proposal Writing)
CSPHDDIS2 Dissertation Writing 2 (Local/International Referred Research Presentation)
CSPHDDIS3 Dissertation Writing 3 (Publication to a Refereed Computing Journal)
CSPHDDIS4 Dissertation Writing 4 (Dissertation Defense)

Curriculum Summary

Components Number of units
Theoretical Courses 9
Specialization Courses 15
Written Comprehensive Examination 0
Dissertation Courses 12
Total Course Requirements: 36


Program Completion Requirements

  • Pass the comprehensive exam.
  • Propose, undertake, publish, and successfully defend a dissertation in their area of concentration. Dissertation requirements are as follows:

a. Proposal – Submission and successful defense of a dissertation proposal.

b. Publication – acceptance of at least one (1) paper at a reputable national/international refereed and indexed scientific journal (Scopus Indexed or ISI listed).

c. Presentation – acceptance and presentation of at least one (1) full paper in a national/international refereed research conference.

d. Final dissertation report – successful defense and submission of the final dissertation report.

Note: Ph.D. candidate is strongly encouraged to do international research experience (sandwich program) for a period of one (1) term to three (3) terms at a reputable foreign university or CS/ IT / Robotics laboratory. If undertaken, it is recommended that the sandwich program take place after successfully defending the dissertation proposal. Before departure, the student must submit a detailed project plan to his/her advisor for approval.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must have an earned master’s degree in Computer Science with a substantial research component as demonstrated by a presentation of the research output in a refereed national or international C.S. conference or a publication in a refereed national or international C.S. journal. Applicants must have relevant research experience in the field of Computer Science within the last three (3) years.

Applicants must successfully complete the requirements for admission to the Ph.D. in Computer Science.

· Applicants with a master’s degree in Computer Science with a research-based thesis but with no prior conference presentation or journal publication outputs must successfully complete the following remedial academic requirements before admission into the Ph.D. C.S. program:

o Two (2) CS Master’s level electives (6 units)

o Research-based paper published in a national/ international refereed CS conference/ journal or paper published in national/ international CS journal.

· Applicants with a master’s degree in Computer Science but without a research-based thesis and with no prior conference presentation or journal publication outputs must successfully complete the following remedial academic requirements before admission into the Ph.D. C.S. program:

o Methods of Research (3 units)

o Two (2) Master’s level electives (6 units)

o Research-based paper published in a national/ international refereed CS conference/ journal or paper published in national/ international CS journal

· Applicants with master’s degree in Information Technology or allied courses with I.T. experience must successfully complete the following remedial academic requirements before admission into the Ph.D. C.S. Program.

o Methods of Research (3 units)

o four (4) Master’s level electives (12 units)

o Research-based paper published in a national/ international refereed CS conference/ journal or paper published in national/ international CS journal

Applicants must submit the following (enclosed in a long brown envelope):

· Two (2) sealed letters of recommendation for the Ph.D. CS admission stating the applicant’s qualifications and strength to finish the program.

· Curriculum vitae (CV) highlighting the applicants’ work experience, research and project involvement, and list of research conference and/ journal publications for the last five (5) years.

· Copies of articles in journals and conference proceedings

· Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate and two IDs

· Transcript of Records

· Transfer Credentials / Honorable Dismissal (if applicable)

· For employed applicants, certificate of employment.

NU Computing Research Center

The National University Computing Research Center (NU CRC) is envisioned to be an agent for economic growth and a leading research hub under the College of Computing and Information Technologies (CCIT). The NU CRC is aimed at pioneering and directing the development, advancement, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge in the field of computing.

Under the CRC are three (3) computing research laboratories designed to support the research initiatives of CCIT for both faculty members and students in various computing disciplines.

Research Laboratories

Web and Mobile Computing Innovations (WaMCl)Laboratory

The Web and Mobile Computing Innovations (WaMCI) Laboratory supports and provides a venue for research endeavors of students and faculty members of CCIT in the field of Web, Cloud, and Mobile Computing. The WaMCI Laboratory is focused on web and mobile systems and their applications in pervasive computing, augmented reality, education, healthcare, security, unmanned aerial vehicles, and robotics. Research under the laboratory includes innovations in web and mobile applications in both smartphones and tablets with the goal of addressing societal and business needs.

Human Interaction and Digital Signal Processing (HiDSP) Laboratory

The Human Interaction and Digital Signal Processing (HiDSP)Laboratory supports and provides a venue for research endeavors of students and faculty members of CCIT in the fields of human-computer interaction and digital signals processing. HiDSP is dedicated to the pursuit of research and development works in the analysis of interaction between people and computers, and signal processing such as sounds and images. The goal of the laboratory is to develop competent and productive research that addresses societal issues and can be applied in nation-building. Furthermore, involved researchers will explore the application of different advanced machine learning and computational approaches in solving engineering problems

Human Language Technology (HLT) Laboratory

The Human Language Technology (HLT) Laboratory is envisioned both as the national benchmark and leading research and innovation space in the ASEAN region for the field of human language technology. With an interdisciplinary team of researchers and innovators, the collective is pioneering and directing the development, advancement, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge in this field.

Admission Requirements

Applicants should have relevant degrees in Information Technology or other allied fields (e.g., Computer Science, Information Systems, Computer Engineering, etc.). If an applicant is not a graduate of BSIT or any allied field, the applicant will be placed on probationary status. The applicant is expected to take at least (9) units of bridging/remedial courses in the undergraduate program.

Applicants may take bridging courses depending on the program completed in their undergraduate program.

Students taking bridging courses should not incur a grade lower than 2.0.

Bridging courses:

  • Fundamentals of Programming
  • Database Fundamentals
  • Software Engineering
  • Introduction to Networking
  • Operating Systems
  • Computer Organization

Applicants must submit the following (enclosed in a long brown envelope):

  • CV highlighting work experience, training, and publications (if applicable)
  • Copies of articles in journals and conference proceedings (if applicable)
  • Photocopy of NSO Birth Certificate and two IDs
  • Transcript of Records
  • Transfer Credentials / Honorable Dismissal (if applicable)
  • Photocopy of the title page and abstract of undergraduate thesis / special project
  • Two sealed recommendation letters
  • For employed applicants, certificate of employment

Contact Details

For inquiries you may contact or email the ff:

Program Chair, CCIT Graduate Programs

+63 02 8712 1900 loc 1456

Dean, College of Computing and information Technologies