You can help in your own little way.

This is once again proven by our proud alumna, Ma. Jhoeleanne Adriano who started a donation drive for the victims of Typhoon Ulysses. A native of Rizal province, which was one of the severely hit areas of the typhoon, Jhoe heeded the call for help of her kababayans who were affected by the typhoon.

“As typhoon Ulysses hit Rodriguez, Rizal, many people were asking for help in social media. Seeing posts from people trapped in their homes broke my heart. I could not do anything to help these people because I do not have connections with any rescue team. Kaya naisip ko, while waiting for rescuers, why not prepare for the aftermath?”

Adriano contacted some of her friends from different NGOs to ask for their help. She coordinated the NGOs relief efforts through an LGU official in her town. Through this, she was able to help around 2,500 families in Rodriguez, Rizal.

Aside from that, she also worked on her own fund drive. “I and a local clothing brand here in Rodriguez also started our own donation drive. As per the founder of the clothing brand, it is their overall purpose and commitment to help those in need specially the ones from marginalized areas.”

In just 4 days, the Perhood donation drive that she helped organize raised a total of P40,500 which they used to aid around 400 families through food packs and hot meals.

But her work does not end with her humanitarian efforts. Adriano is currently working as a teacher and a cluster head in NU-Nazareth School and she is also busy taking up her master’s degree (MA in Philippine Studies with specialization in Socio-Cultural Studies).

With all the things she has been doing at present, the 22-year old alumna shares some advice to her fellow Nationalians.

“List down your priorities and maximize every opportunity that comes along your way. If you are given a chance to work on something, prove to yourself that you deserve such opportunity. Kahit estudyante ka palang, you can contribute a lot to society. Speak, contribute, and participate. Let your voice be heard.”

The 2019 CEAS Humanitarian Awardee believes that everything she did is a fruit of what she learned in National U.  “I learned compassion in NU. I have learned to look at other people’s suffering and use it as an avenue to spark action. Our country is facing a different crisis at present, and it needs us. Kapag tulong tulong tayo, marami tayong magagawa.”

Adriano, a sports writer from The National, graduated as Summa Cum Laude with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education in National University last 2019 and was also hailed as the Student-Teacher of the Year 2019.