Johann Villegas Nationalian Achiever and the Pride of NU Laguna

Johann Villegas is a Nationalian achiever and the pride of NU Laguna. He is a consistent scholar, a young entrepreneur and a role model in the NU community.
He is active in multiple organizations such as Red Cross Youth, National Federation of Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants Region 4 and Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants NU Laguna Chapter.
Johann has received a number of awards throughout his academic years and on top of his recognizable performance, he’s also been running his own start-up business. He is the sole proprietor of Johannes Forwarding Services, and he does this while maintaining his scholarship at NU. He is proof of the Nationalian’s grit, agility and versatility.
He was Class Valedictorian in 2016, graduated SHS with Honors and has been a qualifier in Regional Quiz Bees under Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA).
Johann is the stellar student that every institution wishes to have. For this reason, National University will continue to support Johann in his endeavors. ??