NU Baliwag Academic Director Mr. Arnel Diego

Sir Arnel is the Academic Director of NU Baliwag, the OIC Dean of College of Arts and Sciences of the same campus and currently an International Journal Reviewer of the African Journal of Business Management.He has been awarded multiple times as the Top Performing Faculty of National University and has received the Teaching Excellence Award time and time again. His 11 research projects, and 8 published books was only the onset of his professional journey owing to the fact that Sir Arnel only graduated last 2009.On top of graduating Magna Cum Laude under the program Bachelor of Science in Psychology in FEU, he has continued to attain postgraduate degrees, namely; Teachers Certificate Program, Masters of Arts in Education Major in Special Education (Cum Laude), Master of Arts in Psychology. While Sir Arnel is a full time Academic Director, he is also earning his Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology.The track record of Sir Arnel Aviles Diego undoubtedly proves that he is committed, passionate, and devoted to his job. This is the type of leadership that National University has. Sir Arnel is the standard.