NU Fairview Junior Financial Executives

NU Fairview

Junior Financial Executives

President: Potillano, Karl Nealbert
VP for Internal Affairs: Fababier, Naoemi
VP for External Affairs: Manalang, Earon Jule
VP for Academic Affairs: Devadeb, Yzabella
VP for Finance: Sedera, Joshua Broderik
VP for Publicity and Information: Magon, Nelia
VP for Events and Logistics: Lactao, Jandre
Vp for Marketing: Lopez, Lara Jade
Vp for Student Relations: Cortez, Kimberly
Auditor: Apo, Khristine Nicole
Comex Officer: Trondillo, Louie Mark Angelo
Graphic Designer:
Media Contributor for Documentation: Gatuz, Hans Rovic, Llave, Aldrec Luis
Media Contributor for Write-ups:
1st Year Batch Representative:
2nd Year Batch Representative: Roldan, Margarett Pearl
3rd Year Batch Representative: Odiaman, Fiona


The Junior Financial Executives is an organization that serves future handlers of finance and economics. It stands to develop the fiscal, social, and personal skills of the Finance student body. The council goes beyond monetary policies as it strives to better the lives of all.

1st Term

Bark Out Loud: Fight for the Gold, Go for the Blue

August 14-16, 2023

An event to welcome newly enrolled students of all programs in NU Fairview, providing them a chance to make their first day as Nationalians. The event was held at NU Fairview, the JFINEX in the aforementioned event as they made a booth from scratch with a theme of the board game, Monopoly. They also prepared mini-games for everyone to enjoy whenever vissiting the booth.

BSBA General Assembly

August 30, 2023

Conducted their first-ever general assembly to all BSBA students enrolled in Financial Management and Marketing Management. Aimed to orient all BSBA students regarding the policies discussed by the SBA Dean.

JFINEX Welcome Fest 2024: Celestial Beginnings

October 4, 2023

An event to welcome freshmen students of Business Administration major in Financial Management. Additionally, it included a seminar talk with an invited guest speaker and various games to enhance ssocial interaction between them.

2nd Term

CAPCON: Wandering Across the Vast Expanse

November 20 – December 4, 2023

A series of conventions and mentorship sessions that gives students to explore numerous industries and provide them with open opportunities within these fields.

Paskong Nationalian 2023: Nationalian Lights the Way!

December 4-9, 2023

An event that showcases the spirit of giving to one another and to recognize the ceremonial of Christmas Tree Lighting Campus-Wide.

Project A.V.E.N. (Project Advancement for Visionary Engagement to Nurture)

December 6, 2023

The initiative was done in partnership with the JFINEX and JPIA, aimed to benefit the West Faiview High School.

3rd Term

The 2024 University Week Festival: MaNUfesting Fated Victors

April 16-19, 2024

Wherein the JFINEX had representatives in each sport and/or contest spearheaded by different organizations.

Walk Fur a Cause

May 19, 2024

It was an event partnership from the Rotaract Club of New Rise Kalookan North, aimed to not only focus on one’s wellbeing but also promotes the assistance for its beneficiary which pays attention to its rescued animals.

PRISM 2024: Shaping the Future, trends and Insights for Tomorrow’s Business

May 22, 2024

Event invitation from the National University Philippines to its nine (9) campuses, including NU Fairview. The comference aimed students to gain knowledge and learning from different key speaker attending regarding today’s business world.