NU Hosts COHREP Membership Meeting
National University – College of Tourism and Hospitality Management (CTHM) hosts the 2nd General Membership Meeting and Conference of Council of Hotel and Restaurant Educators of the Philippines – Cohrep.
With the theme “COHREP We A.R.E.: Aligning Readiness and Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality,” the monthly meeting features the importance of adaptability, innovation, and quality in addressing the challenges of an ever-changing global landscape.

Focusing on globalization, technology, and human-centric values, the event aims to equip future leaders with the skills and knowledge needed to meet industry demands while preserving the cultural and economic significance of the tourism and hospitality sector.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Rudie Cabardo and Dean Medelene Forbes for their outstanding leadership and support in ensuring the event’s success.