
ComEx COLLAB Newsletter Issue 2 Volume 3

Greetings of Gold and Blue! 💙💛 Read on and see the 2nd issue of the ComEx Collab Newsletter 3rd Volume. Check out what happened for the past month in this newsletter as we highlight new collaborations, projects, community partners and outreach activities facilitated during the whole month of September. For our second issue, we featured our Executive Vice President, Dr. Rosauro E. Manuel. 

By Steffi Gabrielle Dillague | Feature . News . NU Manila

The 10th Top Leaders Forum “Transforming Victims to Victors: A Multi-sectoral Approach to Inclusive Resilience”

The 10th Top Leaders Forum, with the theme “Transforming Victims to Victors: A Multi-sectoral Approach to Inclusive Resilience,” was jointly organized by the ARISE Private Sector Alliance for Disaster Resilience Societies, ARISE Philippines, the National Resilience Council, and SM Prime Holdings Inc. The function occurred on October 13, 2023, in Function Rooms 1 and 2 of the SMX Convention Center Manila, located inside the Mall of Asia in Pasay City, Philippines. Under the leadership of its founder, Dr. Hans T. […]

By Steffi Gabrielle Dillague | Feature . News . NU Manila

Youth Leadership in Climate Action: Inspiring the Next Generation

  Title: Youth Inspiring Change: A Webinar on Climate Action  On October 11, 2023, a special online event took place, encouraging youth to take action on climate change. The webinar, titled “Youth Leadership in Climate Action: Inspiring the Next Generation,” was organized by the National Service Training Program (NSTP) in collaboration with NUM-SBNU and Community Extension.  The urgency of climate change requires immediate action. Engaging them now in climate change discussions and solutions ensures they are equipped to make informed […]

By Steffi Gabrielle Dillague | Feature . News . NU Manila

Baccalaureate Mass of Class 2023 transpires

The graduating class of 2023 gathered as National University celebrated its Baccalaureate Mass at the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Loreto Church today, September 8. NU Executive Vice President, Dr. Rosauro E. Manuel, delivered an inspirational message, emphasizing the graduates’ societal contributions and responsibilities upon graduating. He reminded them to instill the five core values of the university as they take on real life’s challenges. As part of the ceremony, the medals and diplomas which are to be given […]

By smtabunda@national-u.edu.ph | Feature . News

NEAT: Coast Project

The National University Manila volunteers spearheaded by the Assistant Vice President for Academic Services, Dr. Arlene Trillanes, spent their early Saturday morning (16 September 2023) picking up trash and debris from the coastlines of SM by the Bay. 52 Nationalian volunteers joined forces to be part of the 38th International Coastal Cleanup in partnership with SM Cares. This initiative also served as the first official activity under the newly launched NEAT (Nationalian Environmental Actions for Tomorrow): Coast Project by the […]

By Steffi Gabrielle Dillague | Feature . News . NU Manila