NURD promotes research community progress
The National University Research and Development (NURD) Office spearheaded the NURD Multistakeholder Workshop with the goal of facilitating an exchange of ideas, nurturing growth and promoting innovation within the university research community at the Century Park Hotel last August 4, 2023.
NURD recognizes the importance of stakeholders’ interactions in providing people-centric policies and programs as well as employee-friendly processes. This kind of consultation meeting aims to emphasize the direction and accelerate the attainment of intended outcomes in terms of research and development.
The workshop was attended by the academic heads, research coordinators, faculty members, ASPs and other academic support units from NU Manila and other NU campuses.
The four-point agenda were: (a) NURD goals, performance and objectives; (b) research incentives (c) internally funded research project; and (d) faculty researcher program. The agenda was discussed by NURD representatives, and the participants were asked to give their insights based on its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
The discussion will serve as an input to NURD’s planning, reviewing and revising of policies and procedures. The event was then followed by a fellowship dinner to celebrate a fruitful academic year and further commit to better results in the coming years.