Arch. Bryll Edison Par
Arch. Bryll Edison Par
Cum Laude
Bachelor of Science in Architecture, Class of 2016
- Registered and Licensed Architect ( PRC )
- Registered and Licensed Master Plumber ( PRC )
- Champion- Beyond GRIT National Conceptual Design Competition 2021- Hosted by United Architects of the Philippines, UP Resilience Institute and Emergency Architects
- 1st Runner Up- Marinduque Centennial Celebration Festival Float Design Competition- 2020
- Don Mariano Fortunato Jhocson Memorial Award- Highest and Most Meritorious Award of National University Philippines 2016
- Top 9- Outstanding Thesis of the Graduating Batch 2016- National University of the Skyway
- New Golden City Builders Consistent Academic Scholar
From Nationalian to quite literally, a nation builder, Arch. Bryll Par has shown us that through #EducationThatWorks, hard work, passion, and determination, you can make a great impact in this world we live in ?