CSIT Student Passed in the IBMC Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certification

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'N PACIFL COLLEGE Congrtutatons! for successfully passing the IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certification Exam. Û ASHLEY JOY POJOL MI211 SOCT School Computing in Û Information'

Congratulations to Ashley Pojol of School of Computing and Information Technologies (SoCIT) MI 211 for successfully passing the IBMC Cybersecurity Analyst Professional Certification Exam! 🥳
“Passing this industry-level certification is a testament to her dedication and commitment to excellence in the field of cybersecurity. This professional certification ensures that the certified individual possesses the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in the field of cybersecurity, including the critical areas of cybersecurity principles, threat detection, incident response, risk management, and security analysis. IBM Cerfications are generally recognized by employers in the IT and cybersecurity industry, and gives the students a competitive edge over their peers” – Ms. Rhea-luz Valbuena, SoCIT Executive Director.
The accomplishment is a result of Ashley’s involvement in the COMSEC3 class (professional elective), guided by Mr. Manuel Sanchez, a faculty member at SoCIT. Mr. Sanchez’s mentorship has been instrumental in providing the essential knowledge and skills needed to excel in the cybersecurity domain.
#BeARam and get the same edge as you strive for your desired career in Cybersecurity!