NEAT: Coast Project

The National University Manila volunteers spearheaded by the Assistant Vice President for Academic Services, Dr. Arlene Trillanes, spent their early Saturday morning (16 September 2023) picking up trash and debris from the coastlines of SM by the Bay. 52 Nationalian volunteers joined forces to be part of the 38th International Coastal Cleanup in partnership with SM Cares.
This initiative also served as the first official activity under the newly launched NEAT (Nationalian Environmental Actions for Tomorrow): Coast Project by the NU ComEx Office.
Over 50 sacks or equivalent to around 200.16 kilos of debris and trash were collected by the NU Manila ICC volunteers mostly comprised of beverage bottles, plastic and styrofoam packaging items, wood scraps, bamboo sticks, cigarette tips, shoes, and others.
Lastly, the NU ComEx and National University – NSTP would like to extend their warmest gratitude to all NU Manila employees and students who took part in this purposeful and meaningful activity in the promotion of environmental protection and preservation.
See you on our next Coastal Clean-up!