ComEx COLLAB Newsletter Issue 12 Volume 2
Read on and see the 12th issue of the ComEx Collab Newsletter 2nd Volume. Check out what happened for the past month in this newsletter as we highlight new collaborations, projects, community partners and outreach activities facilitated during the whole month of July.
Dugong Dugtong Nationalian 2023 Batch 1
The quarterly blood letting activity “Dugong Dugtong Nationalian” of the NU ComEx has officially opened last August 8, 2023. This activity sparks the Nationalian spirit as it celebrates its 123rd anniversary. The Dugong Dugtong Nationalian: 123 Bags for 123 Years mass blood donation campaign is in partnership with the Philippine Blood Center – Department of Health. A total of 39 units of blood were collected from NU faculty, officials, and ASP. #nucomexpbc #dugongdugtongnationalian
President Ermita further commits to ‘Education that Works’
Ensuing the 123rd Founding Anniversary last August 1, NU President/CEO, Dr. Renato Carlos Ermita Jr. shared the university’s accomplishments and plans in his annual President’s Report last Friday, August 4. In his speech, he acknowledged the NU community for helping the institution achieve all its accomplishments including an Overall 3 QS Stars Rating, an ISO 9001:2015 Certification and the recent Great Place to Work recognition; more so, for producing board passers and topnotchers in different fields. As the institution continues […]
NU celebrates its 123rd Founding Anniversary
National University Philippines commemorated its 123 years of providing quality education last Tuesday, August 1, at the NU Manila Multipurpose Hall. A Eucharistic mass was held at the Holy Family of Nazareth Chapel (NUNS chapel) followed by the Wreath Laying Ceremony. Afterwards, the employees who rendered five to 30 years of work in the institution were recognized in the Service Awards. With its theme on Dynamic Filipinism, National U aims to continuously promote the principles of nationalism by embracing diversity […]