Women of Service: National University Alumnae Making A Difference In Public Service and National Security

Women of Service—Four (4) NU Alumnae, Ret. PLTCOL Cynthia Faigao-Fernandez, DMD; PVT Clrifer D. Singh; Coast Guard Seawoman Baby Elvie Gueqillo; and ENS Ria Joy J. Nabalan O-22400 PN, reflect on how the NU core values (Resilience, Integrity, Compassion, and Patriotism) impact their dedication to public service and national security.

As we celebrate National Women’s Month this March, four strong and mighty women will be featured every week, along with their testaments of strength, dedication, and leadership in a male-dominated industry.

Our NU Alumnae are paving the way to a future where women are empowered to serve their nation and create a powerful impact to nation-building.