NU Alumni Affairs Office held a three-day activity in Marinduque.


The National University Alumni Affairs Office (NUAAO) held a three-day activity in Marinduque from April 21 to 23, 2023, in collaboration with the NU Alumni Marinduque Chapter. 

The successful three-day activity of Homecoming, Sports Clinic, and Community Engagement also composed of teams from NU: Academics and Athletics Development Office (AADO), National University Alumni Federation (NUAFI), NU Center for Innovation, NU Center for Resilient Philippines, and NU Volleyball Team visited the province of Marinduque. 


The NUAAO discussed community engagement in Barangay Bolo with its Barangay Captain, Recto Rioveros. This aims to identify solutions for the current and future needs of the community. The following day, a coastal activity continued in the cove of Barangay Cagpo in Torrijos, Marinduque where the mangrove tree planting was conducted. Through the help of the Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Office (MENRO), the NU Alumni of Torrijos were able to plant 150 mangrove propagules—with the current total of 2,000 planted mangroves in the municipality of Torrijos, targeting 5,000 at the end of 2023. On the following day, alumni from the municipality of Boac also conducted a mangrove tree planting in the coastal areas of Barangay Pili, where they planted 200 mangrove propagules.


Succeeding the coastal activities, a volleyball sports clinic was held at the plaza of Torrijos. The clinics were held in collaboration with Alumni Affairs Office and NU Academics and Athletics Development Office, with the NU Volleyball Team Members; (NUMVT) Jam Abanilla, John Vincent Estrada, Jonas Hernandez and professional PVL (Premier Volleyball League) player and former NUWVT member, Jorelle Singh. The team visited Marinduque to provide free clinics to young Marinduqueño volleyball aspirants and enthusiasts. They winded up the clinic’s day with a tune-up game.


The last day of the activity, Alumni from different municipalities of the province gathered at Boac to celebrate their 4th Alumni Chapter Anniversary hosted by Mr. Jose Mario Victor Mandia (IE ’88). The said celebration consisted of a motorcade within and around the Boac and a homecoming which was held at the beautiful beachfront resort of Chua’s Event’s Place. During the homecoming celebration, the NU Team was warmly welcomed through a “putong”—a customary welcoming ceremony of the province, where they sing, dance, and shower their visitors with money and flowers. They also showed a short reenactment of the Marinduque’s famous Moriones Festival, a Lenten festival held annually during Holy Week. Special guests in the said homecoming are Dr. Ria Liza Canlas, Director of NU Center for Innovation, and Mr. Joseph D. Retumban, Director of NU Center for Resilient Philippines, and Mr. Eddie Sto. Domingo, NUAFI.

As the Marinduque chapter celebrated its 4th anniversary last Sunday, they shared their experiences as they established their chapter in the province. Mr. Eddie Sto. Domingo gave his speech and gratitude to the chapter for maintaining their bond and upholding the Nationalian values within the province. The Marinduqueños also awarded the NU Team tokens of appreciation for establishing and making the chapter possible and now celebrating its 4th year.

Through the efforts of our NU Alumni Marinduque Chapter members; Engineer Romelito Fabul, Engineer Bernardo Par, Engineer Melecio Peñaflor, Sir Ferman Rioflorido, Cynthia Tan, and Christopher Matienzo the coastal activity, sports clinic, and community engagement were successfully conducted, and for accommodating and providing the NU Team a pleasant stay.