Nationalian Pride – Drill Sgt Kristine B. Abriam

Nationalian Pride Drill Sergeant Kristine B. Abriam
  • Philippine Air Force Women’s Basketball Team Member, 2016 – Present
  • Siklab Pilipinas Netball Team Member 2019 – present (2019 Southeast Asian Games 5th Runners Up)
  • Member of NUWBT – Lady bulldogs UAAP Season 78 (Champion)
  • UAAP Season 76 Athlete Scholar Awardee


Our Nationalian Pride Kristine B. Abriam is now a Drill Sergeant in the Philippine Air Force who dauntlessly succeeded in the male-dominated industry. She is also a member of the Philippine Air Force Women Basketball Team since 2016 and Siklab Pilipinas Netball 2019 and ranked 5th runner up in the Southeast Asian Games. Abriam received the UAAP Season 76 Athlete Scholar Awardee.

She’s one of the pioneer members of the undefeated NU Women Basketball Team. Kristine got her discipline, strength, and perseverance from being a well-trained athlete at National University. And now, she found her bigger purpose—to serve the country.

“In NU, I learned that teamwork, discipline, and motivation are needed for you to be successful, I applied that not only in the academe when I was a student but also passed this on to my students in the Force.”

Pursuing a career in a patriarchal industry was the adventure she wanted to take for herself. She has proved that a woman can accomplish things just like a man. She was already used to people scrutinizing her decisions on thriving things many people believed were solely for men. Kristine said it best: “The decision to enter and join a profession dominated by men posed a significant hurdle for me as a woman. Many questioned my decision to join the Philippine Air Force (PAF), and some doubted that I could and would succeed in the field of my choice. I hesitated in the back of my mind, but my desire to serve the country and be a member of this group outweighs what others think. And I told myself, In a world dominated by men, women will rise.”

In the military, all sexes are likely to be treated equally, though each still attests to their worth, and she can still sense the tension between each gender, proving who will thrive in academes; and physical conduct. “I competed with them on an equal footing. I took the fact that I am a woman to excel in this sector.”

She stated that being a woman in the realm of command is not simple; but all worthwhile. Being in this profession is a challenge for any woman who believes she is less capable than males and lacks the characteristics to sit on the throne that men have traditionally occupied.

It is not just the femininity that gave her difficulties during her stay in the camp. It is the profession that gives up their civilian freedom. Having the privilege to wear your desired clothes, to say whatever you want to say, to live where you want to, “things I have long enjoyed in the university or as a civilian.” have been exchanged by conforms to the law of discipline, restraint and higher order of calling. They trade up their sovereignty for us to live up to our freedom. “Acceptance is the key that unlocked this challenge for me. The rest fell into place once I have accepted where I am and what I do.”

Abriam would cry alone sometimes during training, staying true to herself and her purpose is what motivates her to keep fighting. She wanted to remind us that asking for guidance, protection, and wisdom from our Creator is crucial in battles of life.

“Sometimes, being brave in the frontlines means that you have to be strong for other people other than your own.”

Drill Sergeant Abriam proved she is worthy just like any other man in the military. She followed her heart’s desire and found purpose in the Air Force, an accomplished woman in a man’s world.